Monday, August 29, 2011

AES vulnerable but not broken yet!

Researchers from Microsoft and the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium have proved that the AES algorithm used in online transactions and wireless communications is vulnerable and can be broken in this article. I got my CISSP certification in the beginning of this year and learned all through that AES is the most powerful and unbreakable algorithm. Now we do need to make a note that this algorithm has now become brittle but not yet broken yet, as the technologies and resources available to carry out this task are still under construction!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cursive writing, now a legacy?

I still remember my childhood days when my grandmother used to discipline me when my cursive writing went bad. The next generation may not have this opportunity of knowing, let alone learning cursive writing in school. I read this article about several states (Indiana being the recent one) adopting a program that makes cursive writing an optional skill set and keyboarding or typing skills are a mandatory in the school curriculum. I was thoroughly disappointed after learning this fact and can only hope that schools in these states will continue to teach cursive writing along with typing skills since this is up to the school to decide.